Chi mechanics 202.

Chi, unlike Ki is an energy descirbed as within an individual life. aka Chi is life energy. Its created within an individual living being much like mana, however it is colored only by emotions and ways of life. (An example would be anger, changing Chi to a fire-like red.) Emotions that are thought to be dark, or evil tend to generate Ki of a darker color towards black. While emotions that are deemed to be lighter are stributed in that direction.

Chi unlike Ki does not naturaly flow between creatures and can-not be transfered between creatures (Apart from natural devouring or in some 'special' cases.) in a way less than destructive. (The spirit bomb is a good example of one of the few mass Chi using attacks.) Chi naturaly regenerates rapidly when the creature is imersed in the feeling it attributes Chi to. (Light chi requires light emotions. Its likely it wont regenerate at all should the user be in constant dark emotions.)

A lack of Chi can have many visible affects on a living being. Their hair may lose its color, they may become frail and feel sickly. In these ways Chi can be compared to the natural magnetic field that is said to surround creatures. (Magnetism is currently under medical study for its regerative qualities.) The lost Chi regenerates over time with rest, (The addition of the feeling within this rest stage is an accelerant.) Chi is far more commonly used for special weapon techniques than Ki because Ki easily destroys inanimate objects which provide low Ki resistance. Chi can provide aura techniques, though often stronger internal effects and weaker external affects. Some high level magic spells, (Giga slave) also apear to put a rather large drain on the user.

On a side note its a personal theory of mine that once a character exhausts their mana they are running on Chi and thus hurt themselves if they go into negative numbers.
