In the begining...
Early in the systems creation I noticed something... Magic was often used as a final or finisher move. However because the opposition did not understand the spell it was often shrugged off. Its the 'Touch of reality' that makes the impoosible fantastic. So here's how I inject a little more reality into using magic in RP combat.

As with all special attacks preperation is key, shouting a few words and throwing the attack will simply not do. Materializing a special attack from nothing belittles it, cheapens it and weakens it. PREPARE! To prepare for most spells there is a certain criteria which you should post before you post the actual attack, other magic users within the system should be able to recognize this action and have enough time to wet their pants in fear knowing whats comming next. Make the special affects, an attack that looks cool is cool. Especially in this System.
Example of a preperation post: *He holds his hands together as if in prayer.People sensitive to it can feel fire based elemental mana being drawn in from around him.*

Just flinging the attack off your hands may not be enough. You should go to some lengths to descirbe how the magic works (Aka a portal opens in the sky before him and huge boulders begin raining down.) The better you describe the attack the better other people can respond to it. Remember that the most powerful spells will have a really profound affect on the caster. (Dropping a firestorm over the area will mean taking cover.) Describe the effects your magic has on the scenery that it passes, if its bright shield your eyes from it etc. Its the little things that lead to the perfect attack, no matter how big or small something is always do your best to describe exactly how it works.
Example post: *He opens the prayer like grasp creating from the center of his being a perfect sphere of fire. He swiftly turns his hands towards the target throwing the sphere like a ball.*

Though in the reccommended system of combat you cannot say if your attack hits or not you are still perfectly capable of saying how it will affect whatever it does impact with. (The exception being when somebody else uses blue magic to alter the spell.) Remember that even if the magic misses it will go off in some way. Magic can easily have a huge effect on the surrounding terrain (Especially elemental magic.) The boulders from a summoned earth element are real dirt, use them. Use your ability to alter the terrain to your advantage. Heavy people sink in swamps, warriors often wear heavy armour. Use it. Be smart with your magic because its the best way to win.
Example post: *The sphere will explode into natural flames against whatever it contacts with. Setting them alight in a raging natural fire.*

Note the spell used in the example was 'Fire bomb' from the fire element spell list.