Magic the types and tricks.

Magic may be difficult to comprehend in reality, but in RP combat where it is used most frequently it needs to be explained. Especially in an environment like the UC-RP system using zones. Magic is never as effective when its used out of its home. So anyway here I will explain the systems 'How and why' of the basic magic. Spells can be found on the spell link but may not make much sense without reading this first. Some individual spells may deviate from this type system. Just be sure to read it carefully.

Magic: Basic spell types.
Now magic unlike energy combat is very versatile, It can be cast on the opponent or yourself and can often bring enough destructive force to lay several enemies down. Take notes if you if you feel the need but hopefully this tutorial will still be here as a resource long into the future. Remember through all of this that the hardest thing to make with magic is something real.
Spell types:

Ethereal creation: The easiest kind of magic, you create a half imagined blast of the element. Because its half imagined it can easily be absorbed and is the most 'magical' form of magic. People who don not believe in this form of magic are often heavily resistant to it. Forms of this magic are often made in the hands and thrown or launched at the target. Example: Fireball.

Summon element: Much harder than the Ethereal magic is the literal summoning of an element. (Its easier to summon when you can see it nearby.) This form of magic only uses magic to do the summoning. The element summoned is real in the RP and cannot be resisted by magic resist alone. (Though many elements don't really do that much damage when summoned.) Summoned elements just appear where you want them too. More often directed at the source they came from. Example: Taking a rock from a mountain and dropping it on your enemy.

Bless/Curse: Elements can have affects on living bodies this style of magic applies a change of status rather than direct elemental damage. Often these can either be positive changes (Such as granting a boost on strength.) Or negative changes such as confusion. Often these things are passed by touch, a direct glance or attaching of a word on the target.

Summon elemental spirit: Magic can often be used by some races better than others. The most magically inclined race is the ancient spirit beings who first tamed the magical energy into a useable form. The stronger a spirit is the more intelligence it has, with weak spirits unable to hold a conversation and the strongest spirits being similar to deities. The summoned spirit travels from where it lurks (often in its own element) and arrives on the battle field, to be ordered or perhaps to get angry at its summoner and try to kill it before lazily returning.

Other: Finally there are some spells that fail to fall under any of these categories. (Mainly water spells. *Shrug*) They include Illusions cast by mental projection and counter magic.

Where dreams come from...
Mana, the fuel of magic is available to some degree to every living character in the system. Machines do not have mana as they do not have souls but make up for it with internal energy. Mana is the nectar of the soul which comes from heaven, literally in this system. Mana is produced by the soul while under the sky. The light feelings of rest and warmth increase the generation as does happiness. Mana can also be found in the ground, or other elements where elemental spirits reside though the mana there is of a specific elemental type. Mana is always limited, the bigger a spell is the more mana it costs. A characters mana is dictated by their natural energy level. (The basic stat) having a higher level means more mana and faster mana regeneration. Mana is still dangerous to use however, just like Chi (Life-force) Using to much can begin to damage your physical body. Trying to store mana drawn from the surroundings can damage your soul. (Manaburn) After casting big spells a spellcaster will probably need rest.
Of coarse, the larger the spell the more mana it costs. Other factors can also effect the mana-drainage as compared to size. Being surrounded by an elemental type will increase the power of that element and decrease the power of the opposite element. (Swimming makes water magic easy but fire magic weak.) Its found that opposites on the elemental wheel are fiercely competitive and often will have a greater affect on each other than their neighbors. (Who often share the elements good points and bad points.) Other things that can influence the amount of magical destruction for your mana can include, drawing magic from a nearby elemental and using it straight away. This can be done through a direct drawing technique should the elemental be visible or through chanting/ritual depending on the strength and reach of the elemental. Combination magic (The elements not directly N,E,S,W of the center are stronger if the user has studied both of the neighboring main elements.)

Just as there are ways for magical effects top be expanded there are also factors that can weaken it greatly. One is how much control you try to inflict on the spell. Some spells such as ones which provide explosive force are weakened to nonexistence should you try and control it to the point where yourself and your allies are not damaged. Spells such as Lightning by their nature do not travel a straight line. To deny them that destroys the spell. You are not immune to your own magic unless you are so connected to an element that you can absorb its affects (This elemental connection is a level 5 advantage.) However taking an advantage like this means your character is significantly weaker the the opposite element. (Fire elements die in water etc.) Taking on such an elemental advantage can also change your characters personality and physical form. (Air elementals are often light and breezy. Ice elementals are often cold and pale. Water can be slippery and mishevious, swamp's are often fungus attuned. Grounds and strong and silent. Magma's are strong but slow. Fires need to constantly be consuming fuel (Food/Air) and lightning elementals tend to burn out quickly.) If your magic is an explosion of unfathomal proportions then its likely your not going to live through using it once. Power can never be fully controlled just aimed and directed. Nobody is power.