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 [ Good/Evil defined ]

Fate points are the newest concept addition to the rule system and are still very experimental. All player characters start with one fate point (Unless pre organized with a GM.) A Fate point is is one exceptional thing... just one that is controlled totally by the character's fate. Once a fate point is spent, its gone. There are so few ways of retrieving fate points that its easier to just consider them buried when used. Now onto what you've been waiting for. How is a fate point used? Its simple you can spend it once to get something new or stronger. (Within reason.)
Remember that Fate points can only be used once for one task. More fate points can be obtained later should the GM alow it. NPC's and villan type characters do NOT get fate points. Only Villans whodont intend to lose should add fate points to their character.

Found advantage. (Locating something on a quest which strengthens a character greatly.)
Surprise advantage. (The point is spent in exchange for an advance skill of one point. Example: Goku being a Saiyan and not knowing it. The Advantage being the potential to go Super Saiyan. Form change ability.)

Des points.
The Villan boss type characters recieve these instead of fate points. A des point is lables at the time of the characters creation. The lable constitues one amazing thing about the villan that makes it a boss type a boss type. It could stand for the ability to permanently destory something of worth such as a city or it could be an incredable resistance to a certain type of attack. a Des point may be simply being stronger than any hero class character that opposes them. Des points may be spent to counter fate points. (Once a Des point is spent the villan is considered to lose the connected power/ability.) (Aka if the Des point was invulerability to a certain form of magic, then they become vulnerable to it.) The greater the villans threat the more points should be allocated. As with all '+X' things this is the decision of the GM not the player.

City destroyer. (Capable of destroying cities rapidly.)
Planet devourer. (Capable of destorying planets rapidly.)
Hidden base. (When spent the base can be 'discovered' at any time. Hide outs do not count as bases and therefore do not require this to be hidden.)
Loyal army. (Armed to the teeth.)
Elemental resistance. (Dont go to overboard with this one.)
Hope destroyer. (May shrug off opposing forces strongest attacks just to shatter their hope and faith in themselves.)
Fear inspiring. (Characters that oppose you will feel fear, everything can feel fear.)