UC-RP System
Home: UC-RP Sheet
[ New user guide: 0.4 ] |
Understanding that people new to the system will have
some pretty high difficulties making a sheet, ive created
this guide for the first time user. Its still not exceptionally
easy but once you've tried a bit it'll become a piece
of cake. Keep in mind while reading that the emphasis
on the sheet is that advanced points are worth the most
and should not be compared on a 1 to 1 scale with other
systems. Also keep in mind that this tutorial is for creating
a level 24 character. (Aka one closer to the bigger end
of the scale.)
Step 1:
Know thyself.
The most important part about character
creation is knowing what your character is all about!
Of everybody in the game there is only one person who
should know more about your character than you and that's
the all-knowing GM. Before you start making a combat
sheet decide what the character is going to use, how
they are going to fight and what you want them to be
good at. These sheets only ever really cover statistics
and things that are related to action and combat other
things are far more easily role-played without a sheet..
(I recommend having one even if you don't intend to
fight with your character.)
Step 2: Take the measurements.
Now, the part where real attention has to be taken. Decide
how proficient your character will be in their statistics.
Do you want a strong character? a fast character? Is your
character so strong in the mind that they win arguments
even when they're wrong or perhaps they've got a natural
aptitude to magic or some other fantastic thing? Use these
ideas to make your basic stats. There are 5 basic stats
to choose from:
Strength: How strong they are.
Speed: How fast they are.
Dexterity: How good they are at manipulating
Willpower: How determined they are.
Energy: How much energy they
have inside to draw on and how quickly they can draw on
You have 12 points to divide between these so hop to
it. Minimum of 1 point in each. Remember, if you think
there are too many points for your character (Some characters
don't need so many points to be cool.) You can exchange
4 of these points for 1 of the next sections points.
Step 3: Polish those fighting skillz.
Now we come to the advanced stuff. What mad skillz does
your character use to win fights. Does your character
wield a cool sword? or maybe throw around magic in a
wizardly way? Perhaps your character is a cool martial
artist and can beat people up with your fists alone!
Think long and hard about what you want to be because
you only get 3 points in this area. (4 if you
exchanged from step 2) There are a HUGE amounts of way
a character can fight, or enhance themselves within
a fight so I've broken them down into categories.
Physical attack. For all you sword
weilding, punch throwing close combat fighters.
Stat affecting powers. Want to
be as strong as 20 men? or faster than sound? Maybe
you can go 'Super' This is the place.
Magical/Natural energy based powers.
Want cool magic? perhaps you want to be a mutant or
meta-talent? Click here.
Tech powers. Is your character
better behind the wheel of tank than out on the field?
maybe your rich and powerful enough to get others to
fight for you. THis place holds things from Guns to
Remember the more points you put in something the stronger
it is. A swordsman with 2 points in his sword will beat
a swordsman with only 1 if they fight on sword skill
One last thing for now, some characters have something
called an 'Empathy' this means they are really
good at using something, but dont have that thing to use.
Use it just like you would use a regular advanced stat
point. One point in an advanced empathy gives you a plus
bonus to all advanced points of that type that you use,
see the example sheets page
for the idea. However, remember that empathy alone does
not buy the skill, a sword empathy does not grant you
the sword.
4: Fate VS Des
Step 4 is almost the last step, this is where it all comes
together and the strongest part of your character is made...
the wildcard. Fate/Des is what ive put into the
system to cover the exceptional thing that can change
a hero's direction in the middle of a quest, or make a
villan so formidable. If your character is a 'Hero' or
a 'neutral' character then they take 'Fate'. The 'Villans'
(Characters created solely to challange the heroic types.)
take Des. All characters in the system get a single point
in this... consider it the core of your character when
you start. THe 0 that came before 1.
For more info on Fate/Des click here.
Fate/Des points are so rare that its worth thinking that
your character should only ever get one. Spend it wisely.
Step 5: Putting it all together!
So you've done it all and now and your thinking "What
a tremendous waste of time this will be if nobody gets
to see it!" Well say no more, here
is the reccomended style of character sheet for UC-RP
users, its not so flash but Ive also got a HTML'ed
up version for chat 'plush' passes on the same page.