Wind magic example tree.
The breeze, gale and hurricane. Its all a matter of control. Wind magic users are masters of controling the most common element in every natural area. Air. Most of the places in the RP have air as air is a common nessecity to life. Wind magic is often full of gambling chance but is just as lethal as the more offencive end of the scale.

1 Point wind magic.

Wind bolt
(Ethereal creation)
An invisible blast of wind that the caster throws, though it does very little damage on its own because of winds nature its difficult to counter and capable of throwing the target a large distance. Generated by a simple hand movement alone or combined with summoning words.

Swift wind
The swift wind spell can be either a blessing or a curse, as a positive effect its the effect of having a strong wind at your back, allowing far easier movement. (At most adding a persons dexterity to their traveling speed.) This can also ward off projectiles and allow them limited flight. However this spell can also be cast against somebody reducing their traveling speed by the caster's willpower. This spell also has a limited effect on attack speed. This spell is cast by writing the wind symbol on a tag of paper, with the focus of the caster of good/bad fortune. The paper is then attached to the target.

(Summon Elemental Spirit)

Jin is a strange summon. Being an amazingly strong air elemental its intelligent and wise. However it allows low level casters to summon and give it one command. It wont put to much strength into an order, some of its more common tasks are taking messages to other people. Opening doors, disabling traps and solving puzzles. (A personal favorite of certain Jins.) In combat you may be able to convince a Jin to cast any level wind spell that you would normally be able to cast. To summon a Jin could require hand movements, a scroll reading or dance.

Dizzy is a whirlwind spell, once cast it wraps the target in rapidly spinning air and magically touches the air in their mind causing dizziness. This dizziness is so extreme that people may pass out. (Willpower of the defender against the willpower of the caster.) Even if the defender wins they will find standing difficult from the dizzy spell. Their natural dexterity will reduce the amount of time. (More Dex less time.)

2 Point wind magic.

Drawing largely on the casters natural energy several large cutters of green tinted wind launches forward. The blades of air spray out from the caster and home in on the target taking wide arcs. The blades will cleave easily through soft materials like fresh wood however as the strength of resistance increases the power of the blade decreases. Once the blades (If the blades) strike the target they vanish into natural air as if nothing happened.

Wind cutter
(Ethereal creation)
The caster creates two spheres one in each hand. The first sphere appears to be a misty white the other a sphere of misty black. Each of the spheres are thrown (For better affect at different targets.) The black sphere implodes, with a huge gravitation like suction on the air, the white sphere blasts that same air out with explosive force. Things sucked into one sphere are blown out the other but due to the compression faction you have to be as flexible as a rubber band to do it without a heap of pain.

Wind bomb
(Summon element)
Silence is a magical still on the wind around the target by simply attaching a piece of paper with the silence symbol the target is rendered mute. Due to this they are rendered unable to use most kinds of magic. However the silence can be useful as it suppresses the air-movement around the target thus making a minor shield against wind magic and a silent aura making it difficult track the target by sound or smell.


3 Point wind magic.

Windy blade
(Ethereal creation)
A single large wind cutter lashes forward from the caster the blade is broad and strong enough to cut a path through thick forest, buildings and people with ease. It always travels in a straight line so if the target moves far enough to avoid its width then you've just cleaved scenery and not much else. Casting is through hand gestures, or a shouted chant call if its launched from the mouth.

Air chains
Chains of solid air wrap around the target leaving them helplessly stuck with their arms and legs bound. The effect doesnt last too long but is easily re-cast in the time it takes to wear off. (Just recast it no extra chance to attack.) The bound target may be able to break through the threads of air that hold them should they be able to beat the willpowwer of the caster through concentration as compared to the fruitless strength struggle.

4 Point wind magic.

The sky burst spell is extremely powerful but also very draining. The caster becomes a center point to a huge inward rush of air causing everything on the battlefield that isnt tied down to fly towards them. When they give the signal the inward drag becomes an upward push flinging everyting caught in the wind to be blown high into the air. This in turn causes another inward rush which repeats the cycle. This cycle can be repeated as many times as the caster's natural energy allows. (Though when they do run out of mana its likely they will be crushed by fallin debrii.) THe damage from this spell is done from the targets huge fall from the sky accomanied by chaotic bursts of air which fling them about like rag dolls as they fall.

Sky burst
(Ethereal creation)