Light magic example tree.
Light magic, commonly thought of as 'Holy' by magic users that believe in the idea of heaven and hell. Without light magic there would be no darkness. In turn the darkness makes the light brighter. For as long as one exist the other exists, Darkness is just better at inspiring fear and Light will always drive darkness away.

1 Point light magic.

Light bolt
(Ethereal creation)
A generated sphere of light magic. It can be used to light dark places or remove dark magic. When thrown it causes no damage to natural living creatures however anything drawing power from the darker scale takes heavy damage. Similar spells include things like 'Holy bolt' and 'Lighting'. Generated by a simple hand movement alone or combined with summoning words.

Light magic as the uncanny ability to remove other elements Bless/Curse spells. It can be done very simply with not visible spectacular affects to the untrained eye. However it is not a counter spell, and the target bless/curse will come into affect before it can be cleansed away. To cleanse the target it requires the caster to be close enough to touch them. It also has mild cure-type powers against disease. (Disease is normally resistant to normal healing spells.)

Silent light
(Summon Elemental Spirit)
The silently light is a graceful beautiful phenomena. Like light bolt it does not damage but it drains and destroys dark elements. When summoned it appears like fireflies drifting around. Though the effect isn't particularly bright the area around seems dark. The small 'fireflies' of light drift around for a while before dimming and vanishing when the summon is over. Gestures to summon this effect may include soft music, or a noticeable calm.

Seal power
Sometimes a power is abused, sometimes for somebody's own protection they must be barred from their power. Seal power is the extreme end of light magic and perhaps the most invasive spell in the tree. It surrounds the target in a ring of light which slowly fades as it closes in around them. Should the ring close to completion the target power (Magical or energy only) is sealed and cannot be used for as long as the spell lasts. (It fades away over time in relation to the casters skill.) The target however can resist the spell with their willpower should they be able to overcome the caster's willpower then the spell is thrown off immediately.

2 Point light magic.

A step up from the bolt version, this creates a sphere of light which fires into a broad beam of white light which can be broadened to engulf a single target at the cost of strength. Like its predecessor it does no physical or kinetic damage, it causes no heat it is singularly designed to defeat creatures of darkness. It it used in a similar way to regular energy blasts.

Light beam
(Ethereal creation)
The caster draws light energy/mana from everywhere around they can to create a sphere of near pure light magic. The sphere (Being unbalanced) will collapse on itself eventually when either a new element is pressed against it or from time. When the sphere collapses it creates a powerful but ethereal blast of light which decimates all darkness weaker than the combined force of the caster's natural energy and any light around. (AKA in a dungeon it would be casters natural energy alone however in a field during the day it would be much stronger.) The normal time until explosion is determined by the casters willpower.

Light bomb
(Ethereal creation)
Aura within itself does very little. It creates a magic based aura around the target. However this can have a spectacular affect on beings that know how to use an aura. Martial artists can draw strength from an aura (Normally powered by their own Chi.) The extra strength can allow them to increase their general attack power and thus the strength of their attacks. Aura's can also ward off other bless/curse spells. To cast, just like cleansing you need to be able to touch the target. (Note this spell should not work on mecha.) This spell's duration is depending on both how much is being drawn from it and the caster's willpower.


3 Point light magic.

Hope light
(Ethereal creation)
When the darkness is strongest the desperate fury of hope must prevail. Light nova is the most powerful direct spell in the light tree. An expanding sphere of intangible light is created within the caster, in a matter of seconds the sphere expands roughly 3 meters out from the caster in every direction obliterating all darkness-based summons and magic within its radius. (Including the casters own.) The light is so intense that even with eyes closed a person may have to turn away. (The caster is free from this effect, to them the light is seen as white solidarity) Though White normally only affects darkness this spell is an exception as it has a habit of blowing all other magical summons away.

This spell uses both the casters natural energy and the targets natural energy to heal the flesh and bone. Its like an exchange of the persons natural energy for a far more rapid recovery. The more energy drained the more rapid the recovery is. The target of this spell must be within touching distance of the caster. The target can however resist. (Higher willpower wins.)


4 Point light magic.

The lost light is one of the largest light offensive spells. Created through hand gestures and concentration is drains the caster's mana to the point that they can feel the pain of overuse and uses that mana as an offering to attract a major elemental of the type. The most common elemental to be summoned is a deadly vortex of light and darkness which forms a twirling spinning spiral of light around the caster that is normally large enough to cover the whole battlefield. When the summoned elemental arrives it tears up all active bless/curses and summoned creatures to devour their mana threads. (Enchantments are made of more solid magic and can survive this where as temporary magic cannot.) The final effect? This spell can effectively wipe a battlefield clean of magic and leave an eerie silence that dampens the ability to detect and use natural power sources.

Lost light
(Summon Elemental Spirit)