Lightning magic example tree.
Lightning is feared. Its strikes with a random carelessness that made people in ancient times believe it was the weapon of a god. Its fingers reach down from the sky superheating air causing a sonic wave known as thunder, the bolt itself strikes the tallest things with electrical power. Tree's split and burn. Fire begins.


1 Point lightning magic.

Shock bolt
(Ethereal creation)
A bolt of electrical energy maintained by a sphere of magic, when the sphere breaks the electrical energy trapped within shocks whatever it broke on. Though the shock isn't that strong and doesn't last the effect can disable robots and paralyze flesh and blood fighters for a short time while their nerve system recovers. Extended damage from this may include memory loss.

Passed through a written tag, the target's speed is increased by the casters willpower The target is easily picked by the way they have lightning arcing around them as the increase their speed to that level. The downside of the enchantment is the fact that it wears out the target very rapidly after time equal to their natural energy the target is exhausted and all their stats are reduced by half.

Cloud caller
(Summon Elemental Spirit)

This elemental carries with it a flood of storm clouds though the clouds do little they increase the power of all lightning effects being used. Also whenever a lightning effect comes into play there's a chance that a vicious bolt of lightning will arc down from the clouds and strike the effects target.

Magnetic bolt
(Ethereal creation)
The magnetic bolt is a spell designed specifically to counter metal and electronics. When thrown it develops a strong magnetic pull once it strikes it magnetizes the target causing metal to be attracted to them. As the effect progresses the target begins radiating electromagnetic pulses at the same strength as their natural energy. Robotics and electrical creatures nearby are either forced to temporarily shut down or are submitted to the pulse temporarily erasing parts of them.

2 Point lightning magic.

An area around the caster equal to their natural energy is struck by a static charge as strong as the caster's willpower. This effect is rapid and has all the same effects as being hit by a shock bolt.

Static charge
(Summon element)
The core of the lightning tree, its a streak of lightning fired from the hands at the target, due to its chaotic nature it does not fire in a straight line and the larger the distance the less chance it will strike. When it strikes however it passes all the voltage it carried into the struck person. The effect is many times stronger than the shock bolt.

(Ethereal creation)
The target of the written spell is subjected to strong shocks, the shocking lasts for a time determined by their natural energy. The effect is simple paralyses until the target numbs to it or the paper is removed.


3 Point lightning magic.

Thunder clap
(Summon element)
The reaction of creating the power is nothing compared to destroying it. With the collapse of a lightning spell comes a powered blast of air known as thunder. The thunder clap takes this a step further the caster charges two electrical spheres and smashes them together causing a wave of thunder so strong its visible. The deafening blast throws everything nearby back and causes an aura of silence over the area.

Lightning elemental
(Summon Elemental Spirit)
Summoned from the sky a winged creature with long thing arms. It has no substance but it drips energy anything that nears it. It rushes at the target and dissipates in blasts of lighting all around.


4 Point lightning magic.

All it takes is a simple connection... a single simple connection breach the earth and the heavens. Like the fingers of a vengeful deity a spiraling lightning storm expanding out from the caster. (The caster is the only person protected on the battlefield.) The bolts dance between the sky and the earth ripping up everything around the caster. When the event ends there is a beautiful spiraled design of destruction around the caster.

Sky/Earth connection
(Summon element)
Wind, Ice, Water, Swamp, Earth, Magma, Fire, Lightning.