Ice magic example tree.
Ice, perfectly still. Cold. The frozen stop that covers some parts of the world. Cold is emptiness in an element. Without heat cold is the most common element everywhere. Ice is cold. Ice is hard. Ice is the combined chill factor of wind and water. My personal favorite. (Beware the pickle flavored popsicle people.) Note that all ice magic is accompanied with flares of blue magic from the caster and normally hand movements with a staff.

1 Point ice magic.

Ice bolt
(Ethereal creation)
A thrown spike of the idea of ice, though its not totally tangible it colds anything it touches with enough impact to make them feel spiked. The cold restricts muscle movements and increases the likelihood that they will injure themselves. It thaws far more rapidly than natural ice and often will leave no lasting side affects unless you use the cold time to strike the limb. (Targets movement is restricted, their speed reduced by caster's willpower.)

Crystal freeze
Crystal freeze is the frozen stop. The target of the cast is instantly frozen (On touch.) Into a giant ice-cube. Though being frozen in such ice would normally be fatal the target is also frozen in time and as the Ice melts they heal according to their willpower. The freeze itself lasts for as long as the caster can will it. (This spell is a favorite for villains who want a visible hostage.) As the spell weakens the victim awakens floating within the crystalline ice, able to see and hear everything around them and able to continue to live off the crystals power until the ice becomes brittle regular ice and breaks away.

Snow dancer
(Summon Elemental Spirit)

Snow dreamily falls from the dark sky, its a natural weak snowfall that takes its time to arrive and doesn't do much when it gets there. Until... The caster who summoned the snow has in fact summoned an elemental spirit called a 'Snow dancer' once the snow begins to fall around the target, (Considering it falls everywhere its hard to miss.) The snow whips itself into a frenzy under the invisible pull of a windy dancing gown. Cold tassels and snow smack all over the target relentlessly as the dancer twirls around them. A man size target would look like they walked through a snowstorm afterwards and vehicles get frosted like cakes. The summoning is also spectacular its a twirl of ice magic around the caster which explodes into clouds above them. (Remember though its spectacular its not really damaging. People who fall under the dancer's spin take less damage.)

Frost burn
A written curse, when the paper is attached to the target their body suddenly ripped with pain for a moment as their sense of hot and cold is reversed. Cold engulfs them in burning pain, heat makes them so cold their muscles shrink against the onslaught. This effect can be fatal should the paper not be removed from the person rapidly.

2 Point ice magic.

The caster after preparing a spell summons a huge wall of ice, often a line of ice that's been growing in the arctic reasons for thousands of years. The ice is as difficult to break as their will power but will melt sooner or later. (Time dependent on natural energy.) Several ice walls can be cast rapidly to create hasty fortifications or a snowfort.

Ice wall
(Summon element)
If kids made snowballs like this then snow fights would be fatal. Summoned from the mountainous regions a heap of snow the size of a truck is magically compressed into a boulder half the size of a car, then dropped on or rolled at the target. It can crush and when chosen by the caster it will explode in a blast of air and snow as strong as any fire explosion. (At or below level 2 that is.) People run over by tumble snow aren't normally hurt to badly, OK so they are. But its fairly easy to dodge and if your strong enough or can find a good hiding place it will just roll over you harmlessly.

(Summon element)
The target acts like a snowman on touch. Unable to move at all apart from falling down/over. However there is a plus size to this, for as long as it lasts they are invulnerable to kinetic, chi and ki energy. Only the highest level magic's have any chance to hurt them. The time span of the effect is the caster's willpower combined with or against the targets willpower. (Depends if the target wants it or not.) People that spend to long in this state can come out with all the effects of being lost in the arctic for a few weeks.


3 Point ice magic.

Crystal spray
(Ethereal creation)
After performing an intricate set of maneuvers and gestures with the in hands the caster is able to fire a fine spray of crystalline ice shards from the palm of his/her hands. The spray has very limited range but instantly freezes things it engulfs. The more targets the caster uses it on the more the less strength the freeze has. Firing a constant stream of this spell at a target will have the effect of the crystal freeze spell, without the healing factor and with a higher chance at being lethal.

Snap frozen
The caster of this spell only as to look at the target and snap their fingers to create a faint blue mist around the targets ankles, in a matter of seconds the mist rises engulfing the target in a crystalline ice prison. Within they are coherent and can survive. (No air food or water required.) However they cannot free themselves, ever. The prison must be broken from the outside. The downside of this is the outside of the ice crystal gradually begins to freeze its insides slowly crushing the captive in an ice-cube. (Another villainy favorite.)

4 Point ice magic.

The caster exhausts their mana supply to summon one of the most fearsome forms of settled snow. The kind that can crush cities and keep going. Falling from everywhere the battlefield is rushed by snow the shear crushing force enough o knock almost anything off its feet. Once the spell is over the snow remains making finding finding victims and survivors alike difficult. Unfortunately due to the nature of this attack the caster is more than likely to get hit as well.

(Summon element)