Swamp magic example tree.
When water ceases to flow, and combines with earth the result is a stagnant swamp. Home to many diseases and poisons creatures fear the swamp for its ability to kill them quickly in its muddy depths or kill them slowly with poisons and disease. Swamps are considered some of the most difficult terrain in existence.

1 Point swamp magic.

Poison spit
(Ethereal creation)
An essence drawn from water borne minerals is poison. This mild poison is thrown in the form of a sphere which breaks on impact poisoning the victim mildly. The victim suffers from all the natural signs of poison (Nausea, headaches, dizziness and weakness.) But because of its ethereal nature it wears off quickly and its effects are reduced by having a higher willpower.

Passed by touch disease is another form of poison, however it cannot be cured by normal curative spells. Once placed it becomes an actual disease which gradually weakens the target over time until death or cure. The cure in this case is actual poison. (Disease is a living poison that can be killed by a dead poison.) Once disease is removed the regular poison ca be removed through magical means.

Marsh dead
(Summon Elemental Spirit)

This spirit is the cause of many nightmares across the plane. It is a spirit which makes its form from those that have died in nearby swamps and marshes and have not been recovered. It often takes the form of a large jumble of bones and bits and rotting flesh. As it walks it slowly begins to dry and fall apart. Often its hands will bear large claws of living bone. The creature is very dangerous and fearsome but not as much as some others.

Ground stir
In a similar spell to earth magic's tremor this curse is placed upon the ground causing large amounts of water from under the ground to flow up and turn the ground into a quicksand/quagmire/swamp under every bodys feet. This has a two fold beneficial effect for the caster. One his/her enemies are hardly ever as adept at maneuvering in a bog and two being surrounded by your magical element makes the magic you cast stronger and easier. Over time the curse fades returning to normal as the water is let sink back into the ground.

2 Point swamp magic.

Mud from the nearest swamp is drawn through a portal at the target. Apart from the initial crush, (Similar to water magic.) The only main advantage is the fact that while the target is muddied the caster's poison/disease based magic gets a bonus against the target.

Mud rush
(Summon element)
The caster summons a vaguely green mist from the ground which can be up to as deep as the knees on a man. This mist acts just like a poison however affects many people at a time. The poison continues to drain the targets life until they are given a chance to rest out of the mist. (Either through running out of its radius or once the mist subsides. The radius of the mist is determined by both the users willpower and natural energy.

Poison mist
(Ethereal creation)
Unlike full necromancers swamp elementallists can only revive the recent dead and only people that died filled with a swamp element. (Such as poison or disease.) The reanimated warrior cannot use powers that require such as mana or Chi but no longer needs its organs so cannot be delivered a fatal blow that way. When the flesh is stripped form the bone or the poison wears out of the corpse's system. (Not likely when they no longer have a working system.) Or the corpse is incinerated the effect will end.

Awaken dead

3 Point swamp magic.

(Ethereal creation)
The strangest part of swamp magic is its ability to support life, large complex life such as plants and animals. The life spell supplements the speed of growth with mana, Basicly making plants grow much faster. The spell can create a barrier of mangroves or vines to tangle the enemy. The speed of the growth and the amount of growth is determined by a characters natural energy

When life ends rot begins. Rot breaks down dead materials rapidly creating an excess of nutrients in area thus creating more rot. Rot is very good at destroying materials such as leather and animal hides as well as metals and for the unlucky few, flesh. The strength of Rot is willpower based and people protection against it is natural energy. This curse is an area effect.

4 Point swamp magic.

The caster exhausts his/her power to accelerate the natural progression of life in the area around him/her. Other fighters resist through their willpower as they watch the battle area (Which has no willpower to resist.) Age and die while being born and living only to die and rot to feed the new born. Its quite a terrifying site and the affect such as tree's falling rotting and knew ones springing from the ground can be very lethal. Being buried in rot reduces your ability to resist it.

Life/Death/Rebirth cycle
(Summon element)